Monday, August 6, 2007

Pansy Can

I made this "Pansy Can" this weekend while I was taking care of Baxter. As pledge trainer Lauren needed something to pass around during the sorority meeting that members could drop nice comments in. After the meeting they read the comments out loud. I used this Tombow
Glue stick that I had never used before and I really liked it. I don't regularly use alot of glue sticks but this one really worked well. It seemed much thicker than regular glue sticks and it really held tight. Update: Baxter is doing good. He gets pain meds once a day and then sleeps. As evening gets here he is more active and today he was even putting his leg down just a little. Dogs are much tougher than humans. We would have still been in the hospital with a button for our pain meds. hahaha I hope everyone is staying cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the can! So cute and I am sure Laueren will be so proud to pass it around and brag on you!!!!!
Glad to hear Baxter is doing good! poor little guy!