It took me 2 hours to figure this background out but I love it! It is from House of 3 A new site by Heidi Swapp, Janet Hopkins, and Rhonna Farrer. It is mostly digital stuff but it is really cool.
On to the ice storm! It was terrible! We lost electricity for 3 days. That is not very long considering some people lost it for much longer. I will NEVER take electricity for granted again! I wouldn't have made it 100 years ago. I am soo thankful for my heat, my refrigerator and freezer and mostly my lights at night. I think that is what I missed most is having light at night. You see I am a night owl and I do lots at night but with no light it is boring! I wanted to go to bed at 8:00. Thanks to my little hand warmers (that hunters use), I was able to stay up and read a book with a little book reading light. I had those little warmers in my hands, my bra, and even my socks. They are great little things. Who knew? I even slept with them. Anyway we survived, but we lost 5 trees and had lots of limb damage. Thankfully none hit the house or the pool. We also lost everything in the refrigerator and freezers. We are blessed because it could have been much worse. Everyone is safe and that's all that really matters.